Rachel Kissinger is a blogger focusing on the whole person:  body, soul and spirit. I desire to inspire people and share what I have learned! I want to encourage you to become equipped with knowledge because you are filled with great potential. With a positive outlook you change the world around you.  Let’s focus on physical & mental health, identity, destiny, creativity, joy and peace. I will share the tools and tips I’ve learned with you, that your life might be enhanced. Together we can make a real difference.


Eradicate Cancer-Part 1 My Mother’s Story

Eradicate Cancer-Part 1 My Mother’s Story

I lost my mother in 2014. Everyone who knew her, loved her. She was the most unselfish, loving and truly caring person I have known. Her focus was on the needs of people. I saw time and time again where she helped total strangers on an amazingly intimate level. She...

Zapped of Energy?

Zapped of Energy?

It’s plaguing our nation! It has become a problem in our society and we continue to seek out solutions to eliminate it! Americans are spending billions of dollars a year trying to remedy the problem! But I am afraid we may be choosing to just cover it up…


Soul Check-Up

Soul Check-Up

Is it time for a good soul cleaning? Do you focus on the health of your physical body by eating good foods, exercising and going to the doctor? It's easy to focus on the physical because it can be seen. But your soul is seen by the choices you make, the words you...

Does My Cat Have PTSD?

Does My Cat Have PTSD?

Rachel Kissinger, Body, Soul & Spirit Blogger, California 29 April 2017 Is it possible? I didn't think it was, but my cat has developed PTSD. It is a very serious and treatable condition in humans. I know many, many people that have PTSD (post traumatic stress...

Re-discover Joy!

Re-discover Joy!

Joy is not the same as happiness. I want more joy in my life. Don't you? How do we obtain it and maintain it? Where can we find it? We can learn a great deal about it from children. We witness the most pure form of joy when we watch children at play. They are fully...

Slay the Dragon

Slay the Dragon

I was a negative person as a teenager and well into my twenties. I looked at most people in a negative light and criticized them. These thoughts of others and the negative outlook on life in general were flying around in my head. They were not pretty, in fact they...


Keys to Overcoming Addiction

Keys to Overcoming Addiction

A Weekend to Remember      A person can come to a point when a good majority of his or her thoughts and actions become sinful in nature. I know an amazing young man that knows this all too well. His name is Don and his story has to be told. He...

Speak Life Because it Matters

Speak Life Because it Matters

The words that come out of your mouth really do matter. And you matter tremendously. You, being here right now, on this earth is no accident. You have great purpose and with the words you speak, you have great power, great power to create or destroy. I would be willing to bet that you likely don’t have

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