Cancer Prevention and Treatment

Take an introductory cancer risk test that will give you indications of how to change your daily routine and habits in order to reduce your probability of getting cancer. Cancer Quiz


General Health

Take Dr. A’s Health Assessment. Dr. Wayne Anderson teaches that optimal health is a journey. Take the assessment.

Dr. Eric Braverman at PATH Medical teaches about how to restore deficiencies or imbalances of chemicals in the brain and how it affects us physically.  Brain Quiz

PDF (printable) version of Dr. Eric Braverman’s Personality Type Assessment (Brain Quiz)


Psychological and Emotional Health

Keep your brain sharp with unlimited quizzes by Sporcle.

For the more challenging quizzes visit the Encyclopedia Britanica site.

How do people perceive you?  Take Dr. Phil’s PsychCentral Personality Quiz.

It All Matters Recommended Websites

Youngevity! Your body needs 90 essential nutrients according to Dr. Joel Wallach.  Discover the world of supplements and your health here.

Dr. Ted and Sharon Broer at Health Masters provide information on maximum health, energy and longevity here.

Bio Innovations with Dr. Richard and Cindy Becker lead you to a world of nutritional supplements, education and healthy cooking here.

I went to school with Robb Wolf, paleo diet expert, former research biochemist and New York Times Best Selling author. Access his expertise here.

Dr. Josh Axe has it all from nutrition to exercise and recipes to supplements and more.  Visit here.

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